My story
Already as a child, I had a strong feeling that besides our ordinary everyday world, there is something way greater - the invisible, eternal and infinite Universe. In my childhood, during the gloomy Soviet time, dreams were a great way to escape and I've always been a great dreamer.
A few decades ago I was brought back to painting, because all of a sudden through my paintings beings of light, angels, spiritual guides, teachers and counselors showed up. For years now I have been painting the world that remains invisible to many, with all its power, energy and the characters from its light vibration. And this journey has been so incredibly fascinating, enriching and full of blessings and miracles.
Often when I start painting I don't have a clear idea what I will paint, I simply open my heart to allow the Universe to express through me what it wishes. This summer I discovered that there is a separate school and trend of spiritual artists. By chance I found one very special artist Rassouli, whose exceptional creation gave me a strong impulse and has inspired a number of my recent paintings.
With my creation, I would like to thank all those extraordinary people who have played an important role in my spiritual journey. I would like to thank the Universe and the Creator for all the inspiration and support. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. May these paintings touch all the people who have an open heart and are willing to open up for more magic and miracles in their lives.